Effect of Self-Management on Preservice Teachers’ Performance during a Field Experience in Physical Education

Abstract of the article

Examined the effects of a self-management program on preservice teachers’ performance. Intervention included a self-instructional module for self-management as well as practice for implementing self-management in teaching. During a field experience in physical education, pupil behaviors in the classes of 4 undergraduate student-teachers were coded by trained observers using the Academic Learning Time-Physical Education Observation System. Each S’s verbal behavior was audiotaped and coded using the event recording method. The influence of the cooperating teacher and the supervisor was controlled to assess self-management efficacy. Results indicate that self-management exerted a positive influence on pupil and teacher behavior. A multiple-baseline design across behaviors and a reversal design showed that all Ss changed their teaching behaviors effectively and met the field experience criteria.

 Eitan Eldar, Journal of Teaching in Physical Education 9(4):307-323 · July 1990 

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Dr. Eitan Eldar is the founder and director of the Applied Behavior Analysis Center (Teaching, Community Services & Research) at the Zinman College in Israel. He has been widely acknowledged by the educational community for his extraordinary efforts to fulfill the goals, values, and mission of disseminating behavior analysis. He has written numerous papers and books, authored the first applied behavior analysis (ABA) textbook in Hebrew and served as the first chairman of the Israeli Association of Applied Behavior Analysis. Dr. Eldar designed a model for individual full inclusion in general education settings for autistic students that has been adopted by the Ministry of Education countrywide.
Dr. Eldar has organized workshops and conferences on various topics related to the enhancement of services the ABA science can offer to improve the quality of daily living for parents, para-professionals, and educators.


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